It is that time again when we show that special one in our lives that we love them. Boxes of candy, flowers and diamonds are everywhere. Origionally I suppose these gifts were intended as tokens of affection but the merchants have stolen the meaning of this holiday just as they have Christmas. Valentines day is not about how big a box of chocolates, how many red roses or the size of a diamond. It is about the feeling two people have for one another and the love they share.
It is said that onto each is given one great love in a lifetime. Sure the newness of a romance wears off, things become routie and old hat but if you are fortunate enough to have found that person, stop, take them into your arms and look deepy into their eyes. Tell them that you love them and mean it. Send the kids to grandma's and take today for yourselves. Go to dinner at a dimly lit resturant, talk and remember why you fell in love. Laugh and cry together, get a room for the night and pretend you are teenagers. Tonight before you go to bed,let the last thing you do be to kiss them and let the last words you say be "I love you...". Fall asleep in each others arms. Rekindle the romance in your lives. Rejoice in the love you share and not just today but every day.
Valentines Day, love and romance are not about how much you spend they are about how much you feel.
So on this Valentines Day, to my one great love,
Our love is strong, Honey. It has seen us thru some very tough times. But thru it all my love for you has only grown stronger and deeper. You are my Valentine every day...for the rest of my life and beyond. I love you beyond time and space.